Monday, August 27, 2007

Online Marketing course begins Friday September 14, 2007

There are a few changes coming with June Hollister's course. She had announced at the last meeting that she was not going to continue with the Marketing portion as originally planned, but that she was going to repeat her Basic Online curriculum again.

However, she needs a bit of a breather in order to incorporate several changes. We are going to continue on with the advanced course after all. One key difference is that Doc will take a more active role this time around.

So, June's Online Marketing course will begin on Friday night, September 14th, at 7pm. We'll both see you then.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Landing Page

The landing page where you give something away for free (recipes, software, ebook, video, discount coupon, audio book, how-to manual) It must be something of real value, that people will actually appreciate so much that they will remember it came from you. In exchange for this free gift you will get an email address to add to you mailing list. Ideally this gift will be related to what you are going to be selling later. This will make your mailing list targeted audience for your product.